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Release history Windows

Below is a list of all major TPSDK releases. This lists consists of two sections - TPSDK legacy (v3.7, v3.8 etc) and TPSDK Windows (v2018, v2019 etc).

In the beginning this list was provided as separate document; its now compiled into the documentation. Therefore the list is not comprehensive.

A detailed list on [interface changes can be found here](\ref InterfaceChanges).

v2023.1.26696.79; targeting .NET 4.8; November 2023

Major feature update

  • Added Trimble X7/ X9 to release package
  • New receiver support
  • Lots of instrument specific enhancements
  • TGL 3.8.33; CSD 105
  • Introduction of packages targeting .NET6. (not shared within package as of now)
  • Overall stability and performance improvements

Worth knowing and breaking workflow changes

  • Due to changes in the .NET platform a handful of files per component got renamed. Generally speaking the ‘portable’ string is removed from most files names.

    • In CSI:
      • Trimble.Licensing.Portable.dll to Trimble.Licensing.Interfaces.dll
    • In SIL:
      • Trimble.Contracts.Portable.dll to Trimble.Contracts.dll
      • Trimble.Sil.ContractAdapters.Portable.dll to Trimble.Sil.ContractAdapters.dll
      • Trimble.Sil.Interfaces.Portable.dll to Trimble.Sil.Interfaces.dll
      • Trimble.Sil.SpatialImageCalculation.Portable.dll to Trimble.Sil.SpatialImageCalculation.dll
      • Trimble.Sil.SpatialImageProvider.Portable.dll to Trimble.Sil.SpatialImageProvider.dll
    • In SSI:
      • Trimble.Contracts.Portable.dll to Trimble.Contracts.dll
      • Trimble.Licensing.Portable.dll to Trimble.Licensing.Interfaces.dll
      • Trimble.Ssi.Interfaces.TotalStation.Portable.dll to Trimble.Ssi.Interfaces.TotalStation.dll
      • Trimble.Ssi.Interfaces.Scanner.Portable.dll to Trimble.Ssi.Interfaces.Scanner.dll
      • Trimble.Ssi.Interfaces.Portable.dll to Trimble.Ssi.Interfaces.dll
      • Trimble.Ssi.Interfaces.Gnss.Portable.dll to Trimble.Ssi.Interfaces.Gnss.dll
      • Trimble.Ssi.Core.Portable.dll to Trimble.Ssi.Core.dll
  • Dropped license checks for SIL, GNSSAdvanced and TSAdvanced.

  • Due to internal error unification the errorCode of a Trimble.Ssi.SsiException might have changed. Exception Type and Message are not changed, but the inner id represented via the errorCode has. Developers using SSI don’t parse the errorCode typically given its an internal id; in case it gets parsed a mapping update might be required.

  • With the move to TGL 3.8.X and CSD 105 the default RTX reference datum is ITRF2020 (2015); before it was based on ITRF2014 (2010). While this should not affect positions much its potentially important for application which implement geodetic datums as strings within their UI layer.

v2022.0.387.25086; December 2022

This is a maintenance release which focuses on internal improvements as well as small additions.

Major feature update

  • Disable Exception obfuscation which was causing issues with application integrating SSI via Microsofts CLI/ Visual C++ bridging layer
  • Prism initialization rework for SX Series
  • Various CSI licensing bugfixes

v2022.0.368.24918; October 2022

This is a maintenance release which focuses on internal improvements as well as small additions.

Major feature update

  • Improved AT360Active track target tracking in 10Hz mode
  • Improved 900MHz GNSS radio handling

Worth knowing and breaking workflow changes

  • Log file creation has changed with TPSDK 2022; the [DriverManager](\ref Trimble.Ssi.DriverManagement.DriverManager) has a static property to set the log file path. Details can be found in the corresponding [log chapter](\ref SsiLog). The old method of defining a log file in %temp% will not work anymore.
  • SX brightness range mapping has changed from [-10; 10] to [-5; 5] to be in line with Trimble Access.
  • A none comprehensive list of renamed or relocated interfaces can be found in the [corresponding overview](\ref InterfaceChanges)
  • New AuthorizationException exception

v2021.0.522.23618; January 2022

This release adds Trimble R750 and fixes a major issues in the connection process of the Trimble SSeries.

Major feature update

  • Basic Trimble R750 support
  • Fixes an issue with Trimble SSeries; if customers report bad connections with older instruments we highly recommend to update to the latest SDK release. This was an undetected side effect of the Focus50 implementation and is fixed now.

v2021.0.500.22995; August 2021

This release adds SX12 support and improves R12i handling with regards to calibrations.

Major feature update

  • Trimble SX12 support

    • The laser pointer of the SX12 is realized via the new [ILaserPointerAdvancedTarget](\ref Trimble.Ssi.Interfaces.TotalStation.Targets.ILaserPointerAdvancedTarget) target.
    • Because the laser pointer uses the same optical system as the [tele camera](\ref Trimble.Ssi.Interfaces.Vision.Camera.CameraInformation) the tele camera will be null at this time. To handle this a new bundle camera called [Laser camera](\ref Trimble.Ssi.Interfaces.Vision.Camera.CameraInformation) is introduced next to the existing [Default](\ref Trimble.Ssi.Interfaces.Vision.Camera.CameraInformation ) one which is basically the sum of all front cameras minus tele. This bundle camera should be used in combination with the ILaserPointerAdvancedTarget target.
    • New [LaserFocusCalibration](\ref Trimble.Ssi.Interfaces.TotalStation.Calibration.LaserFocusCalibration) to adjust the laser beam focus point.
    • New/ changed [CaptureParameter Brightness and Sharpness](\ref Trimble.Ssi.Interfaces.Vision.CaptureParameter.CaptureParameterType) min/ max values; ensure the supported ranges are checked before applying any changes.
  • Spectra Precision Focus50 support (uses Trimble.Ssi.Driver.CarpoBased.Driver.SSeries.Windows.dll driver).

  • Trimble R12i pole bias adjustment calibration more stable

  • Improved backwards comparability in licensing (CSI) due to the migration to the %ProgramData%\Trimble\Common folder.

Worth knowing and breaking changes

  • A none comprehensive list of renamed or relocated interfaces can be found in the [corresponding overview](\ref InterfaceChanges)

Known issues

  • Geoid model handling based on files is not supported in Windows. This is a feature currently targeting other platforms only; providing a *.ggf path will result in an exception.

v2020.2.82.21360; December 2020

This release adds R12i support and introduces also new observation types beneficial for the R12 receiver platform.

Major feature update

  • Trimble R12i receiver platform support incl. corresponding calibrations

  • Trimble SX10 improvements

  • Due to the combined licensing of TPSDK Windows and Android licensing has changed; although a previous CSI implementation is still valid a migration to the 2020 version is recommended. Please check the details in the [interface changes section](\ref InterfaceChanges).

Worth knowing and breaking changes

  • Another subtle change in licensing is the storage location of license files. In the past license files have been stored in %%ProgramFiles(x86)%\%Trimble\Common. This folder has moved to %%ProgramData%\%Trimble\Common. While the path is read from the Windows registry and hence not important for developers it may be worth knowing for support folks.

  • A none comprehensive list of renamed or relocated interfaces can be found in the [corresponding overview](\ref InterfaceChanges)

Known issues

  • Geoid model handling based on files is not supported in Windows. This is a feature currently targeting other platforms only; providing a *.ggf path will result in an exception.


This release adds R12 and X7 support and introduces also new observation types beneficial for the R12 receiver platform.
Internal improvements are identical to TPSDK v3.8.

Major feature update

  • Trimble R12 receiver platform support
  • Trimble X7 support
  • Trimble SSeries AT360 error code handling (@ref Trimble::Ssi::Interfaces::TotalStation::Observations::InvalidMeasurementException::InvalidMeasurementException )
    • AT360 target will only be listed as supported if the corresponding error flags are supported by the Trimble S Series instrument firmware
    • Requires Trimble S Series FW R12.5.48 or higher, or all H-branch versions
  • Antenna height handling via new GNSSObservationType.GroundCoordinate observation type
  • SBAS support (was implicitly turned on before), can now be disabled via EnableSBASTracking within the Facade

Worth knowing and breaking changes

  • TPSDK SSI elimin1ated ObservationType.HDSolutiontype mapping as it was redundant to SolutionType.HDRTK. This might got parsed in the OnNewPositioningObservations callback. The SolutionType.HDRTK still exists.

  • A new position type GNSSObservationType.GroundCoordinate is introduced to improve handling of e.g. tilted measurements or geoid measurements. This type can also be found in the facade.

if (obs.hasObservation(GNSSObservationType.GroundCoordinate)) 
	h = obs.getObservation(GNSSObservationType.GroundCoordinate).getCoordinates().getHeight();  //new ground type position, contains automatic height reduction if antenna height is provided
else if (obs.hasObservation(GNSSObservationType.Coordinate)) 
	h = obs.getObservation(GNSSObservationType.Coordinate).getCoordinates().getHeight();	//traditional height
  • In order to get GroundCoordinates the antenna height needs to be set before starting a survey. Therefore the antenna height has been removed from e.g. the data logging interfaces and centralized:
	ISsiAntenna antennaInterface = Sensor.GetInterface<ISsiAntenna>();

	IEnumerable<AntennaType> antennas = antennaInterface.ListSupportedAntennaTypes().ToList();
	if (antennas.Contains(AntennaType.External))
		IAntennaExternal antenna = (IAntennaExternal)antennaInterface.GetAntenna(AntennaType.External);
		if (antenna != null)
			antenna.ID = "666";
			antenna.HeightConfiguration = new AntennaHeightConfiguration("2", MeasurementMethod.MeasurementMethod0); //Measure method 0 -> bottom plate and 2m pole
		IAntennaInternal antenna = (IAntennaInternal)antennaInterface.GetAntenna(AntennaType.Internal);
		if (antenna != null)
			int antennaID = antenna.ID;
			antenna.HeightConfiguration = antenna.HeightConfiguration = new AntennaHeightConfiguration("1.8", MeasurementMethod.AntennaPhaseCenter); //APC and 1.8m pole
  • The SBAS configuration within SSI is moved from ISsiStartRtkSurvey to ISsiSatellites. Basically SBAS is now treated as a satellite constellation like GPS or GLONASS, before it was treated as real time correction source.
	ISsiSatellites _satellitesInterface = Sensor.GetInterface<ISsiSatellites>();
	IEnumerable<SatelliteMaskParameterType> parameterTypes = _satellitesInterface.ListSupportedSatelliteMaskParameterTypes().ToList();
	var list = new List<ISatelliteMaskParameter>();

	if (parameterTypes.Contains(SatelliteMaskParameterType.TrackSBAS))
		_trackSBASParameter = (ISatelliteMaskParameterTrackSBAS) _satellitesInterface.CreateSatelliteMaskParameter(SatelliteMaskParameterType.TrackSBAS);
		_trackSBASParameter.TrackSBAS = true;

	var mask = new SatelliteMask(list);

Known issues


First core release of TPSDK Windows. Feature set and internal improvements are identical to TPSDK v3.7.

Major feature update

  • First release with new core.

TPSDK legacy


This is the annual feature support. Focus is on minor internal improvements and new hardware support.

Major feature update

  • Trimble R12 support
  • Trimble SSeries AT360 error code handling (@ref Trimble::Ssi::Interfaces::TotalStation::Observations::InvalidMeasurementException::InvalidMeasurementException )
    • AT360 target will only be listed as supported if the corresponding error flags are supported by the Trimble S Series instrument firmware
    • Requires Trimble S Series FW R12.5.48 or higher, or all H-branch versions
  • Leica(C) Spider(TM) RTCM Online undulation parsing issue (VRS networks running Leica Spider provided an RTCM Online undulation height which SSI was not able to parse hence the corresponding observation was missing)

Worth knowing

Known issues


This is the annual feature support. Focus is on minor internal improvements and new hardware support.

Major feature update

  • Trimble R10-2 support
  • Trimble SX10 Access Point support
  • GNSS
    • Geoid undulation output improved (removed filters)
    • Improved RTCM3.2 handling via IP
    • Improved modem handling for R Series receivers
  • TS
    • Trimble Illumination Ligh (TIL) support for SX10
    • Set HA angle for S Series (reference circle)
    • Fixed full round rectangle scan

Worth knowing and breaking changes

  • The SSI CaptureParameterType.ImageFormat property available in CameraFeatureImage.ListSupportedCaptureParameterTypes has been removed

Known issues