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In the Connect section it is shown how to connect to a sensor resulting in a valid _sensor instance - in this example to a Trimble SSeries instruments.

After the sensor is created and a valid connection established its best practice to:

  1. Create the interfaces used most often
  2. Register to events within those interfaces
  3. Create targets and such in case of optical instruments.

This allows to reuse the corresponding interfaces.

Note that its also possible to re-init an interface all the time - but typically this ends up in more code and hence more complexity to maintain.

Simple interfaces

In the following we assume the _sensor instance is created and connected.

In the following the _sensor is asked if its support the ISsiPower interface. If yes the interface is acquired via GetInterface<TSsiInterface>().

Afterwards several events are registered - OnPowerSourceChanged - which fire on every change of the power source meaning a change from 98% to 97% for example. Because its important to differentiate between internal and external power sources there is also a specific _battery instancing containing details of the battery state.

protected void InitInterfacesAndSubscribeToSystemEvents()
    //the removal of the event ensures we are only registered once. 
    _sensor.ConnectionStateChanged -= OnConnectionStateChanged;
    _sensor.ConnectionStateChanged += OnConnectionStateChanged;

    if (_sensor.IsSupported<ISsiPower>())
        _power = _sensor.GetInterface<ISsiPower>();
        _power.CurrentPowerSourceChanged -= OnPowerSourceChanged;
        _power.CurrentPowerSourceChanged += OnPowerSourceChanged;

        if (_power.CurrentPowerSource is IExternalPower)
                SensorProperties.Battery = 100;
        else if (_power.CurrentPowerSource is IInternalBattery)
            _battery = _power.CurrentPowerSource as IBattery;

    if (_sensor.IsSupported<ISsiSensorProperties>())
        _sensorProperties = _sensor.GetInterface<ISsiSensorProperties>();

    if (_sensor.IsSupported<ISsiCorrectionValues>())
        _correctionValues = _sensor.GetInterface<ISsiCorrectionValues>();

    if (_sensor.IsSupported<ISsiPpmCorrectionParameter>())
        _ppmParameter = _sensor.GetInterface<ISsiPpmCorrectionParameter>();

The other interfaces are typical getter interfaces - they provide details on the instrument or the PPM correction parameter.

Note that its good to de-register to any event before registering. If the application in charge supports multiple instrument connections at a time this makes unexpected events a lot simpler to deal with.