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Java facade integration

The following steps explain how to integrated the TPSDK facade into an Android Studio Project. Note that the following steps are meant to guide the developer - as always there are multiple ways to reach the goal.

Create a new Project

Create a new project in Android Studio. After everything is set up, click on File and New, then select Import Module. In the following file chooser navigate to the CatalystFacadeX folder as part of the zip file shipping with the SDK.

Import the CatalystFacadeX module so it becomes a part of your project.


Copy/ paste libraries and native files

TPSDK uses different technologies to create outputs like Java and C#. A core part of this stack are native libraries - which need to get copied manually.

There are multiple ways to import native files in Android studio.

As of today the easiest structure looks like this - with the given structure Android Studio/ Gradle detect the native files directly and the gradle files don’t need modifications:

├── app.iml
├── build
├── build.gradle
├── libs                    // Directory to put your jar/ aar libs
└── src
	└── main                // The main application
		├── AndroidManifest.xml
		├── java
		├── jniLibs         // Directory to put your jni libs, i.e. the .so files. 
	    └── res


  • all so files get copied into the jniLibs folder and
  • all aar to the libs folder


Adjust gradle files (project and main app)

As of now a make project command would fail miserably as the facade is not made known to the app.

To finally build the project the build.gradle file of the main module (something like needs a dependency to the facade as well as the native libs in case the structure is different from the above example

dependencies {
    implementation fileTree(include: ['*.aar'], dir: 'libs')
    implementation project(path: ':CatalystFacadeX')
    api files('../trimble/empowerlib-')
    api files('../trimble/Trimble.Licensing.Android.aar')
    api files('../trimble/trimble.jssi.core-release.aar')
    api files('../trimble/')
    api files('../trimble/JTDDTransformation-release.aar')

Its also required to tell java where the native files are located. Hence the android section of the gradle file needs also an extension

sourceSets {
    main {
	    jniLibs.srcDirs = ['libs']

Finally a gradle sync and make project are required to finish the integration. The project should build without complaints.

Using the facade

We can now initialize the facade via something like

CatalystFacade facade  = new CatalystFacade(myAppGUID, this);

where myAppGUID is either the GUID from the facade sample or the received GUID from Trimble.

Note that the manifest permissions need some adjustment before deploying the application. For details on manifest permission please check the documentation.